Terms and Conditions

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1. Scope
These terms and conditions define the contractual relationship between the participant of an event by Vereon AG and Vereon AG as the organiser. Deviating terms and conditions of a participant do not apply.

2. Registration
Any type of registration is confirmed in written form (email) by Vereon AG and thereby obtains a general binding character. The participant accepts the terms and conditions with his or her registration. Participation requires full payment of all fees which are due right after receipt of the invoice. If a payment in time is not possible, the participant must provide credit card details before the entry to the event at latest. A participation fee in general applies to a single person and covers attendance at the lectures for the number of days selected. If announced in the agenda, also full documentation, entrance to the exhibition area, lunch and refreshments may be included. VAT is not included in the participation fee and has to be added where applicable. If a payment by bank transfer is not possible in that time, the participant must provide credit card details in order to guarantee the booking.

3. Program Modifications
For reasons beyond the control of the organiser, it might become necessary to alter the content or timing of the programme, to cancel the event and replace or omit announced speakers. The organiser of the event is not liable to pay any compensation or damages resulting from alteration, cancellation, or postponement of the event. In case of a full cancellation by the organiser, the participant can charge a payback of the participation fee. Further costs (e.g. travel and accommodation costs) are excluded from the refund, provided that it is not a matter of grossly negligent behaviour by Vereon AG.

4. Rebooking / Replacement / Cancellation
If you are unable to attend, you can change your booking to another date or name a replacement at any time free of charge. Furthermore, you can cancel completely free of charge up to 30 days before the start of the event. If it is necessary at short notice, you can cancel your registration completely up to 48 hours before the start of the event for a processing fee of 10% of the net invoice amount. Cancellation or naming of a replacement must be made in writing (e-mail). Where cancellations are received later, the registration fee remains payable in its entirety.

5. Copyright
All material (documents, photos etc.) issued in connection with the events are copyrighted. Duplications and otherwise use must be authorised in writing by Vereon AG. Personal cameras and video cameras may be used for private use only. Professional photography and recording equipment are subject to permission by the organiser. By attending the participant gives consent to being photographed, filmed and recorded and the usage of this material without compensation or acknowledgement.

6. Liability
Every event is carefully researched, edited and performed. Should it nevertheless come to claims, Vereon AG is not responsible for the completeness and accuracy of the presentations and the content of issued documents and other goods as well as files. The organiser is especially not liable if force majeure or unforeseen incidences are affecting the meaningful implementation of the event. Force majeure includes: armed conflicts, civil strife, terrorist threats, natural disasters, political constraints, significant influence of transport, pandemic, etc.

7. Data Protection
The organiser gathers and processes data in accordance with data protection laws. Your data is stored electronically for the purpose of future updates of our services. If you wish your data to be amended, removed or not passed to an external organisation, please inform us at adressen@vereon.ch.
Vereon AG protects your personal information transmitted to us with appropriate security measures. Your data is stored and processed by us within the framework of applicable regulations and used for the purpose of event planning and implementation and to adjust our information services. Your accesses are logged on our website for this purpose. When you request information materials, make a purchase or use any of our services, Vereon AG uses the data collected in this context for the purpose of carrying out the services and to send you information on other offers from us and partner companies. If you are a regular customer, we also inform you via email about our offers which are related to the services that you already use. If your data is transmitted in and to countries lacking an adequate level of data protection, we will establish sufficient guarantees to protect it. You can always ask for insight and deletion of your stored data from Vereon AG. Please direct address inquiries to: Vereon AG, Hauptstrasse 54, 8280 Kreuzlingen, Switzerland or by email to adressen@vereon.ch.
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8. Special Regulations for Partners (Sponsors, Exhibitors etc.)
By sending their booking the partner agrees to the following regulations as binding.
Exhibition Space
Special exhibition space location requests will be considered wherever possible but cannot be accepted as conditional for participation as an exhibitor. Exhibition space means clear floor space.
Participation of co-exhibitors require special registration as well as confirmation by the organiser. Co-exhibitors appear at the exhibition space of the main exhibitor. The exhibition fee will be paid by the main exhibitor.
Attractions and Special Advertising (Shows, Music, Film, etc.)
Plans for demonstrations and attractions at the exhibition space must be submitted to the organiser in writing and in good time for authorisation. Such events may not interfere, visually or acoustically, with exhibition space neighbours’ presentations. Neither may they impede visitors from circulating in the aisles. It should be especially noted that the area in front of the exhibition space may not be occupied by such events, nor may the area outside the exhibition space be used in any way for advertising purposes. The distribution of promotional material outside the exhibition space is strictly prohibited without written authorisation.
Set up and Dismantling
Dates for the buildup and dismantling of the exhibition space will be announced in good time by the organiser. These dates must be adhered to by the exhibitor.
Terms of Payment
All prices are exclusive of the local value-added tax. Payments have to be made after booking and must be received within the due time stated in the invoice. Payments not made in due time may result in cancellation of the booking. As latest three month before the event starts, postponements of payments result in a temporary removal of the partner´s profile in the organiser´s marketing communication without any right for compensation. After this date, the organiser has also the right to cancel unpaid packages without prior notice and to sell it to anyone else.
Withdrawal from Booking
If the partner withdraws from the booking after it has been concluded, the following charges payable by the partner to the organiser are applicable:
25 percent of the amount of the partner package in the case of withdrawal after booking and more than 3 months before event start, 75 percent of the amount of the partner package in the case of withdrawal less than 3 months before event start.
Program Modifications
In the case of compelling grounds or force majeure, the organiser is entitled to postpone, extend or curtail the event. In such a case, the partner is entitled to neither withdrawal nor compensation. If unforeseen political or economic circumstances, industry problems or force majeure make it impossible to hold the event, the organiser undertakes to refund the partner’s payments less costs already incurred.
The organiser is neither liable for any equipment nor accepts responsibility for them.

9. Final Clauses
The contract is subject to Swiss law. Area of jurisdiction is Kreuzlingen (Switzerland).